
Waiting time (updated August 1): none

When do you choose client-centered, experiential & existential therapy?

  • When you have the feeling that something is wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it. If you are left with an unclear feeling or vague (physical) complaints.
  • When you have everything in your life to be happy and you’re not.
  • When you have been surviving instead of living for a long time.
  • If you don’t know which direction you want to go in life and you are looking for meaning.
  • SOS: Same old story. If you notice that you keep running into the same problems in life. You would like to gain more insight into your patterns and take a new path.
  • If you are going through a difficult phase in your life and would like to talk to an ‘outsider’ about it.
  • If you have lost sight of yourself due to circumstances and want to (re)discover who you are. If you want to gain more insight into yourself and learn to relate to yourself differently. If you want to experience more connection with yourself.
  • If you want more emotional stability for yourself.
  • If you experience insecurities, insecurity and/or distrust in relation to other people, as a result of which you do not feel connected to the other person. Or if you lose connection with yourself in contact with others.
  • If you find it difficult to make social contacts and/or maintain relationships.
  • If you struggle with things that you do not dare to express, for fear of rejection from others and/or yourself.
  • If previous treatments did not help (sufficiently) and/or only helped for a short time.

You register by sending an email to: info@nomadepsychologie.nl. Please state your name, date of birth, telephone number, address, telephone number and address of your general practitioner. I would also like to know how you find me and the reason for reaching out in brief. I will invite you by email for the first conversation.

I see the first conversation as an introduction to each other, and usually after five conversations a good picture emerges on both sides. The conversations take place weekly or bi-weekly and are scheduled in advance of each month for the month ahead. If you cannot come, please let me know at least 24 hours in advance. To stay sharp together, I think it is important to evaluate every now and then. We will then reflect on your process and progress to date, as well as your experience of being in therapy and our collaboration. There is also the option to adjust the request for help if necessary or desired. If you no longer wish to have conversations, please let me know so that we can reflect on your reason(s) together and see how we can end it appropriately. In addition to the fact that a therapeutic process has a beginning, middle and end, we jointly care for the therapeutic relationship and the mutual framework from which we work with each other.

I like to use some questionnaires to support the conversations. This concerns a complaints questionnaire (OQ-45), a questionnaire aimed at our working relationship (WAV-12) and a questionnaire that allows you to look back on the previous conversation (SBL+). The latter questionnaire, although optional, is highly recommended. It helps you get more out of the conversations and is also a nice reference for yourself.

The electronic file from which I work is called QIT online. Here you will find an overview of all appointments. This is also the place where you complete the questionnaires and can view your answers. Online conversations also take place via this secure platform.

With me you do not need a referral letter from your general practitioner (this is a requirement for insured care). I do like to know who your doctor is in case of an emergency.

Rate as of January 1, 2024
A conversation of 60 minutes costs 90 euros. At the end of each month you will receive the invoice for the previous month, with a payment term of 10 days.

In the event of a no show, I will initially discuss this with you. If this happens more than once, you will be charged an amount of 60 euros.

You are welcome at my practice in Ooij, De Bouwkamp 1j. The bus stops in front of the door (bus line 80 Millingen from Nijmegen station) and there is plenty of parking if you want to come by car. I’m on the first floor. When you walk up the stairs, you immediately walk into the waiting room. The conversations can also be conducted online and a combination of both is also possible.

My working days are on Monday afternoon, Wednesday and Friday morning.

We can conduct the conversations in Dutch, English or Serbo-Croatian, depending on your preference.

I am a member of the Dutch Institute of Psychologists (NIP) and the Flemish Association of Client-Centered-Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling (VVCEPC).

My name is Sandra Zrnic (1985). I was born in the former Yugoslavia and have lived in the Netherlands since the early 1990s. In 2009 I graduated as a clinical basic psychologist from Radboud University. After years of working in rehabilitation care and regular healthcare, I started my own practice in 2019, after which I made the complete switch in 2022. In 2024 I will graduate as a client-oriented, experiential and existential psychotherapist at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium).

I have extensive experience with misunderstood (physical) complaints, mood problems, trauma processing and problems in the field of life phase, identity, as a result of loss and meaning. Also when you experience difficulties in relationships with yourself and/or others. If you are familiar with insecurity, mistrust and isolation. If you cherish a desire for connection and want to build a valuable relationship with yourself and/or others.

I deeply believe in the individual wisdom of people, as well as in the power of the therapeutic relationship. Everything you experience in conversation with me, with yourself and in our contact, you take with you into your daily life, in contact with yourself and with others around you. I try to create the safest possible environment so that you can go on inner discovery. I will be at your side at all times. Nothing human is foreign to me and anything that belongs in the taboo sphere is welcome in conversation with me.
